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How to take care of your piercings: tips so that they are always healthy

Cómo cuidar tus piercings: consejos para que estén siempre sanos

Are you as much a fan of piercings as I am? Well then, surely you already know that to show off beautiful piercings, the most important thing is that they have healed well and the skin is healthy.

Today I want to remind you of a few tips to keep in mind to take care of your piercings and avoid complications.

Do you want to be splendid wearing all your piercings? Well keep reading, you will see how easy it is to take care of yourself.

Did you just get a piercing? basic care

You love piercings, I know. Where did you get the last piercing? Facial piercings are the most common, although there are many more.

In any case, if you have just done it and you have a fresh wound, then it is very important to be extremely careful to prevent it from becoming infected.

I imagine that you have gone to a professional and that they have already given you the basic advice, but just in case I am going to remind you here.

If you follow them, you will surely have a beautiful and healthy piercing to show off for a long time.

But if you neglect your piercing in these first days, it is possible that an ugly wound will form that can end in a scar. Avoid it with these precautions:

  1. With clean hands (this is whenever you touch any wound!) start by moistening a sterile gauze pad and wiping it over the edges of the piercing. That way, it will soften up. Thus, with the gauze you can remove the crusts that are already dry. It is important that you do not force them. If they don't come out "almost" by themselves, let them be until the next day. They will fall off.
  2. Disinfect with water and neutral soap. It's the best there is. Finish off with a jet of physiological serum. Rotate the earring so that the serum penetrates the hole and cleans it well.
  3. When finished, dry the skin with another gauze. It is not recommended to use cotton on the wounds so that the threads do not stick together.
  4. It is advisable to apply some disinfectant. There are many brands. Ask at the pharmacy for one that also speeds up healing.

If you've already gotten a tattoo, maybe you even have it at home, because the same type of product is used. Just remember to check the expiration date.

Do not be in a hurry to replace the earring that has been put on you until the wound heals. Leave it until you are sure that it is fully healed. So, you can now wear the jewel that you like the most. 

Following this simple routine it is very unlikely that your new piercing will cause problems.

Have you seen the different types of ear piercing ? There are many to choose from. Surely you are already thinking about what will be the next…

The most delicate and sensitive piercings

Do you like piercings on the tongue, lip or on the teeth? It can be drilled there, although it is a more delicate area and you have to be careful if you do not want it to affect the health of your teeth.

A piercing in the mouth can be painful and bleed a lot. Beyond that, you have to maintain extreme oral hygiene. Keep in mind that there are many bacteria, with which the chances of the wound becoming infected are greater.

An appropriate mouthwash (it could be chlorhexidine, but it is best to talk to your dentist) will help you in this phase.

Once the piercing is healed, try not to get into the habit of rubbing the earring against your teeth. You can cause small lesions in the enamel that, over time, could become complicated.

And how to care for piercings in the genital areas?

Hygiene, hygiene and more hygiene. For obvious reasons, cleaning and disinfection is essential.

The healing period is longer than in other areas, so arm yourself with patience and forget about products such as depilatory creams or the like.

When it has already healed, it requires extra attention. Be careful not to snag the earring when putting on or taking off your clothing, or tearing could occur.

Extra tips to take care of your piercings

Some are common sense, such as:

  • Avoid friction while the healing process lasts. For example, if you have a belly button piercing, try to wear clothing that does not bother the wound.
  • Don't go to the pool either , and if you go to the beach, avoid the sun the first few days. If you have ever had an operation, you will see that the advice is similar to what your doctor gave you back in the day to protect the points.
  • Do not share towels or toiletries that will be in contact with that area.
  • Forget perfumes and creams for a while, or any substance that may interfere with healing (or directly bother you).

Most piercings, once they have fully healed, do not require special care, so when yours is healthy, go ahead! Now you can wear it to your heart's content, change jewels every time your body asks for it and try combinations (if you have more than one piercing).

Any other advice that you want to tell us to keep your piercings healthy? Tell me how you did it, I'm sure we'll learn some new trick.